From November 12 – December 31, 2024
Capture the Magic of the Holidays!
Nearme Victoria invites you to showcase your talent in our Festive City Photography Competition! This season, we’re celebrating the vibrant beauty of Victoria’s holiday spirit—illuminated streets, sparkling storefronts, cozy café scenes, and festive gatherings.
Each week, four standout photos will be selected by our panel of judges, and the winners will receive a $50 gift card to Downtown Victoria, supporting our incredible local businesses!
How to Enter:
Get creative, explore the city, and help us celebrate the holiday season through your lens. Good luck, and happy snapping!
*Winners will have their photo(s) featured on our Instagram and Facebook pages. $50 Downtown Victoria gift card provided by our partners at the Downtown Victoria Business Association.
Vancouver Island’s most prestigious photo competition. Submit your best professional camera or mobile photo pictures for a chance to be selected as a local creator superstar! This competition focusses on new and exciting themes. Aimed at bringing the creator community together in ways that showcase our Island.
The Top 20 Things to Do in Victoria and throughout Vancouver Island that we have tested and recommend for any itinerary.
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We will never send you fluff, just the good stuff. Grand openings, major events, new local products, hidden gems and featured things to do. Expect only 1 email per month!
A guide to all Things To Do in Victoria and throughout Vancouver Island. Plan, Learn and Explore your Island. Content, Local Listings & Blog
A guide to all Things To Do in Victoria and throughout Vancouver Island. Plan, Learn and Explore your Island. Content, Local Listings & Blog