The Top 5 Bird Watching Spots near Victoria, BC

Victoria is a haven for nature enthusiasts, especially those eager to experience wildlife firsthand. In recent years, birdwatching has surged in popularity, and Vancouver Island’s coasts and parks offer the ideal settings for this cherished pastime. With migratory bird sanctuaries, nature reserves, sprawling parks, and picturesque coastlines, there is no shortage of opportunities to indulge in this beloved hobby on our beautiful island. Here are the top 5 birdwatching spots near Victoria, BC.

Esquimalt Lagoon

Did you know Esquimalt Lagoon is a migratory bird sanctuary? If you are an avid bird watcher, the 134-hectare sanctuary may be the perfect place for you to see a variety of different birds, as the area offers a place for many migrating waterbirds to feed and rest, supporting thousands of waterfowl from October through May.

The Lagoon is an interconnected ecosystem, drawing in birds with its abundance of food and sheltered waters. This sanctuary offers foraging and nesting grounds in its mudflats, eelgrass beds, and marsh habitats.

Here are the different varieties of birds you can see at Esquimalt Lagoon:

Shallow waters:

  • American Coot
  • Mallard
  • Northern Pintail
  • Green-winged Teal
  • American Wigeon
  • Hooded Merganser
  • Black Oystercatcher
  • Pacific Great Blue Heron

Deeper waters:

  • Canvasback
  • Bufflehead
  • Cormorants and many gull species

Regionally rare birds:

  • Eurasian Wigeon
  • American Golden-Plover
  • Common Tern
  • Horned Lark
  • Western Meadowlark

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary serves as a local haven for birds, with a steadfast commitment to conservation upheld by the Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary Society. Boasting two distinct ecosystems, the sanctuary nurtures a rich biodiversity, hosting 181 bird species across its 170-acre expanse. Through a holistic approach rooted in ecological expertise, ongoing research, community consultation, and respect for traditional knowledge, the sanctuary strives to conserve and restore its precious ecosystems for generations to come.

Top 10 birds spotted:

  • Mallard
  • American White Pelican
  • Brewer’s Blackbird
  • Sandhill Crane
  • Canada Goose
  • Band-tailed Pigeon
  • White-winged Crossbill
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow
  • Chestnut-backed Chickadee
  • Marsh Wren

Cattle Point

Cattle Point is a tranquil enclave surrounded by a bird sanctuary, making it a haven for migratory birds during the winter months. Situated within the expansive Uplands Park along the scenic coastline of Oak Bay, Cattle Point offers an amazing opportunity for birdwatching, with a diverse array of bird species flourishing in the natural surroundings. Cattle Point has become an increasingly popular spot for birdwatching enthusiasts, offering not only sightings of birds nesting along the beach but also as they soar through the clear oceanside air against the silhouette of Mount Baker.

Top 10 birds spotted:

  • Band-tailed Pigeon
  • Cackling Goose
  • Greater White-fronted Goose
  • Sanderling
  • Bushtit
  • Long-billed Dowitcher
  • Steller’s Jay
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Vaux’s Swift
  • Whimbrel

Goldstream Provincial Park

If your dream is to spot a bald eagle in nature, Goldstream Provincial Park is your best spot to do so. But what makes it such a popular spot for these magnificent birds? The park offers abundant prey in the form of spawning salmon during the annual chum salmon run, making it an ideal habitat for bald eagles. As thousands of fish make their way up the river to spawn, bald eagles gather in large numbers to feast. The park’s network of riverside pathways and wildlife viewing platforms offer visitors a front-row seat to the spectacle.

Other birds you can spot: 

  • Red-breasted Sapsucker
  • Pileated Woodpecker
  • Steller’s Jay
  • Golden-crowned Kinglet
  • Winter Wren
  • Hummingbirds
  • American Robin
  • Violet-green Swallows
  • House Sparrow
  • Turkey Vultures

Beacon Hill Park

Nestled in the heart of Victoria, the iconic Beacon Hill Park boasts approximately 740,000 square metres of lush parkland, with towering trees ideal for nesting and perching, as well as tranquil ponds for floating and feeding. For birdwatching enthusiasts, the park offers prime viewing opportunities, particularly during the spring and summer nesting and breeding season. Visitors can enjoy a picturesque day strolling through the park, while also keeping an eye out for the estimated 35 Blue Indian Peafowl that roam freely.

10 birds you can find in the park:

  • Canada Goose
  • Eurasian Wigeon
  • American Wigeon
  • Mallard
  • Northern Shoveler
  • Ring-necked Duck
  • Lesser Scaup
  • Harlequin Duck

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Jared VanderMeer Wildlife and Creative Photographer from Canada

Jared VanderMeer

As a creative and wildlife photographer from Vancouver Island, I am passionate about exploring our local places. One thing I have learned so far, I can spend a lifetime on our Island, and not even be close to seeing it all.